Just saying. How would John Kennedy or Lyndon Johnson be handling things?
Doesn't Biden have any team members who could get him to voice Roosevelt's four freedoms, as an example. Roosevelt moved. Biden is in stasis.
Moreover, shit like this and this is extremely unhelpful. One person has proven in 2016 to be so distasteful to Americans that Donald Trump could win against her. What does that suggest about returning to such a person in 2024? Insanity has its advocates, but only an idiot would buy the brand.
A new voice needs to be advanced strongly in favor of what the people clearly want for themselves and their families. Basic things. Fairness, for example.
A voice can be both strong, and measured. There is no need for alarm, but there is a need for across-the-spectrum honest and bold thought and decency. Beyond sloganeering HOPE and CHANGE. Yes it sounded good. However, that brand failed to age well. Saying and delivering are quite separate things.
The Democratic Party should try decently aiming to help ordinary people. FOR A CHANGE. People have expectations, and it's no secret. Poll after poll says, we know what we want and need and we do not trust politicians to change for the better, history being poll respondents' basis.
Joe Biden, Christsakes. Talk about being offered ONLY a lesser evil. Lesser by the smallest of measures. A near-inert status quo lump instead of an insurrectionist. Big choice. It sucks. It IS the vision thing! It is a national howl for decent government helping ordinary people even if it means less for the rich. Too many of whom clutter up both houses of Congress.
And yes, abortion access is a powerful issue. One among several. Are you also, as here, waiting to hear believable, attainable and strongly humane policy about the others? Single issue doom needs to be avoided. "We give you this and nothing else, now GOTV in droves," is unrealistic.
AND - Somebody please tell Joe Biden, no more super-embarrassing super-ugly Kurt Schrader endorsements. It gains him nothing beyond a greater level of scorn.
Instead, Biden owes the primary victor over Schrader very much. To have any credibility he has to push for her victory in November. Even if he boosts nobody else; he owes. He must be told to pay. Unless he cares not al all to be respected.
_________FURTHER UPDATE___________
This is not a complicated message: it is not frenetic, not something getting folks into the street carrying signs; yet repeated often enough an understanding might soak in. There is positive GOTV power within the simple presentation of fact about the biggest and most constant dimension of the problem needing to be overcome - Republican obstructionism. "Vote the rascals out" remains a good message.
So why is the message not front and center? All of the time?
_________FURTHER UPDATE__________
This from DWT's opening of a must read Dem candidacy post:
![]() |
She ousted Schrader, now help her win the seat |
This is a genuine, dedicated reformer, not a Pfizer puppet opposing a fifteen buck minimum wage! If Biden and Pelosi take a hike on this race out of spite over their failed endorsements of the Pfizer puppet, a far lesser person, figure the worth of each.
The Dem party needs to better itself, this being one race where it can. Do read the DWT story. Whether you agree or not, Klein does not mince words.
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