She wrote -
Texas Abortion Ban
The recent Supreme Court ruling allowing the Texas abortion law to stand is a blatant attack on women's freedom. By declining to block the law, the court seems ready to toss 50 years of precedent and take away women's constitutional rights. This is the culmination of a 40-year effort by Republicans to radically remake the courts with the help of dark money and the Federalist Society. Not all hope is lost. Public outcry, smart organizing, and decisive legislative action will help us overcome these insidious attacks on women's freedom.
As the only Senator who worked at Planned Parenthood and a fierce advocate for women's rights, I believe our strength is that a strong majority of the public agrees with safeguarding women's reproductive rights. It's a voting issue and a winning one. So, it's our job to reach out to men and women across the country and make the case for reproductive rights. It won't be easy. But if we focus on what we can and should do, we can reverse the steady erosion of reproductive rights that we are seeing today.
Sen. Smith -- Dumping on The Federalist Society, is that deserved or extreme? Follow the link, then you decide. Perhaps the self-identification is too circumspect to know what's what, where outside opinion and facts from outside may help.
More suggested useful links, here, here (source of this image),and here.
Can a person be a contagian? Some, yes. The guy to me is imagined as a corona virus, where you just cannot see the man's surround of spike proteins reaching out to do harm to the body politic. Opinions can differ.
The Grand Forks Herald, a North Dakota media outlet, carrying a WaPo feed with the Herald's beginning headlining and image selection. Make of that what you will.
The man, Leonard Leo, has allies
Federalist Society's Leonard Leo is helping Trump make courts more conservative
Leonard Leo helped conservative nonprofits raise $250 million from mostly undisclosed donors in recent years to promote conservative judges and causes. Leondard Leo, seen on a video screen, speaks at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in Washington in April. Washington Post photo by Michael Robinson Chavez.
You have the link and can read the story. This brief opening excerpt - National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, Washington, DC, the caption says. A nationwide reach. This church is powerful in size and holdings and in number of adherents, with a long standing position against abortion, and conservative in general.
Disproportionately represented on the Court. Leading to bias in judgment via biased upbringings and allegiances the various Trump judges have displayed over time. Coney Barrett being the more obvious, that way.
It is a train wreck of a Court, and we suffer it's excesses.
One thing to say in Coney Barrett's favor; Citizens United mischief was done to us prior to her appointment; ditto for the other Trump Justices. Trump only added fuel to the burning fire; while Coney Barrett succeeding to the Ginsberg seat is an equivalent insult to Clarence Thomas taking the seat Thrugood Marshall held with honor.
A Court of peons, seeming to be driven by a larger more obscure outside force, or set of forces. Tons of money calling the shots, sure, but it feels bigger than that. Wider, deeper, and to some peoples' judgment its workings appear full of darkness and meanness of spirit in outlook and intent.
Amok? Dedicated. Seemingly always a threat against secular freedoms, rights such as who to marry and how to individually plan timing or forbearance or correction by abortion in child bearing and rearing decisions and actions which all families face. Cause to worry. Trump played along in a venal fashion. All of it in the way of a turning point toward fairness to all, even if meaning less to a few.
That few does not want less, and they own the show. Reform seems distant. Politicians talk; with talk cheap and worry-free while journalism is on vacation.