Thursday, August 20, 2020

Lincoln Project is intent to elect a Republican ticket. Biden and Harris. It is the sandwich we are being fed. Expect more of the slogan, "We go forward together. This is the fight to which we are called." Jeez, Louise; who tf scripted the latest Lincoln Porject hate-ad? A committee, and - - - [UPDATED]

Not Stronger Together, but  now, "Forward Together."

The sick truth is if Trump-pence is replaced by Biden-harris, we are going "Sidewise Together" or "Downhill Together" although downhill from Trump will challenge Biden's inner person, yet do expect that he stands up to that task.

There is only one compelling question. Who does those cheesy awful hate-ad voice overs? It is an industry. Yes, those creeps make cash doing it, but how can they sleep at night? And how do the ad producers find such "talent" in the U.S. of A? Sickos produce that shit.

Now, that Lincoln Project hate-ad monstrosity which in the sound track was afraid to say, "Biden" did reluctantly in ending do the deed by image manipulation.

Those producers, and their image and voiceover manipulators should be exiled, any return under penalty of death. That fucking bad!


The video heads the latest DWT post, "What If Biden Governs Like... His 4 Decades-Long Record?" which starts:

 Biden really is the Lincoln Project candidate, the candidate of what Rahm Emanuel called, approvingly, "the Biden Republicans." Wall Street Journal reporters Ken Thomas and Eliza Collins were being kind when they predicted unity in the Democratic Party won't last. The only "unity" I can detect beyond party hacks is the unification across the party and beyond to rid the country of the toxic malignancy in the White House. "Joe Biden," they wrote, "has united disparate factions of the Democratic Party behind a message of defeating President Trump and rebuilding from the coronavirus pandemic. The detente might not last past the Nov. 3 election, no matter who wins."

[...] On Monday, Eugene Daniels and Holly Otterbein wrote in Politico that Biden "was just about the last Democrat that progressives wanted as the nominee. But now that he’s the one taking on President Donald Trump, they’re working harder to put him in office than they ever did for Hillary Clinton-- then planning to give him hell the minute he sets foot in the White House. In conversations with more than two dozen left-wing elected officials, labor leaders and strategists in the days before the Democratic National Convention, progressives described an attitude toward Biden that is strikingly different from their previous relationships with either Clinton or former President Barack Obama-- and which could have enormous consequences with regards to the shape and power of a Biden administration. The Democratic Party’s left flank is firmly united with moderate Democrats behind the goal of ousting Trump, with former Bernie Sanders aides and allies creating super PACs and promising to spend millions to elect Biden in a way they never did for Clinton. But progressives, who are emboldened after successfully ousting several entrenched Democrats in recent primaries, are also clear: Unlike with Obama, there will be no honeymoon for Biden.

First, Biden will govern exactly like his record, which is Clinton-Obama tepid GOP-lite, or worse. For the plutocrats and against US, nearly totally so, both ways, with Biden if anything worse than Obama and in the Clinton league of scornful assholes.


No, Joe is not a savior but a super burden the owned inner Democratic Party scornfully imposed on US. An SOB trained to be so by Strom Thurmond. 

That shows the degree of respect the DC Dems have for America. 

It borders on Treason.

Yes, ramped up by my morning coffee. Yes, unforgiving and expectant of the bad but posing as friendly grandpa Joe. A pair of poseurs, ticketed together (not stronger together but ticketed together).

Joe will not prove me wrong.

And remember, 2016 AND 2020 - BERNIE WOULD HAVE WON. 




Lincoln Project at it again with another hate-Trump advertisement, but, who do they feature, and who should you trust? Should General Mattis be featured and touted simply because he is truthful about Donald J. Trump? Especially when it comes to the crying need to sanely be downsizing and reorienting the military for actual defense purposes and not for endless war over oil or trade routes or stuff unessential to the PEOPLE of this nation? Never mind goals of banks and financiers and giant multinational corporations wanting to exploit foreign cheap labor or wanting to steal minearal or fossil fuel wealth around the globe; for whom the present military serves. Downsize it so the wealth can be reallocated to clean energy job growth, decent wages, education access, and sane healthcare and drug pricing. 

In short: Pull the teeth of the dogs of war.

Not in the Biden presidency, but aim longer term if we must. It is to save US and to save the globe from fossil fuel greedheads poisoning the air we breath and the ocean we need. Aim to enact protections from corporate defense contractors out to rob us, and the former generals that end up with a keen pension and an industry job working levers at the Pentagon. Break that sickness.

As to Lincoln Project, be sensible. The enemy of the current enemy of Dem party elites, more likely than not is not my friend.

My friend would not want to own me or rob me.