So, Mary Franson ran for the legislature, GOP, this being a webpage screenshot:
So is there anything there possibly related to why some folks felt a will to send unfavorable email to Mary Franson?
Hint: How many of the women and children on that photo may have needed food stamp help to eat decently, to have enough helathy food to avoid undernourishment? Any GOP guessers?
Do you get a drift? How about posting a video and scrubbing it, as if knowing you'd put an anatomical part in a wringer, needlessly, heedlessly, coarsely? By trying to be a smart-ass.
Further hint: Here, here. here, here.
It seems disingenuous to do the moral equivalent of defacating on peoples' dinner plates, and then to tell a reporter -
... her critics are, "not even talking about the issues. If they’re upset, talk about the issues. Name calling, vulgar name calling?"
What "issues" does the kind lady have in mind? Sermon on the mount, "Do unto others ..."? "Love thy neighbor as thyself"? What? Am I missing something, just as the whining Republicans intentionally miss the cause part of cause and effect.
This is not Andy the Blogger making the Franson comments in the first instance. He, in fact, seems too polite for that. This is Mary Franson, member of the Minnesota Legislature, disrespecting the right of others to avoid undernourishment, in our US of A, the wealthiest nation of all times, over all of History.
I guess "Compassionate Conservativism" always has been the lie we elsewhere on the political spectrum have expected it to be. If poverty is a joking matter to Mary Franson, is it a joke to you?
I don't think it's a laughing matter that Mittens Romney makes eight figure annual income and pays an income tax of around 14%. While others pay higher rates on normal incomes.
Then, with the playing field so unfairly tilted to favor the nation's Romneys, we have the Franson woman reported here:
"No way in the video did I say poor people are like animals - absolutely not," she said. "Those who are upset don't want to confront the real issue - government dependency."
Franson said that the welfare program is set up to help the poorest of the poor get a hand up. Instead, some are using it as an excuse to not improve their situation.
She said local communities should be more involved in helping the less fortunate.
"Look at Douglas County - how many manufacturing jobs do we have?" she said, referring to the surplus of openings. "They may not be sexy jobs but guess what? They pay pretty darn well."
Franson said that those lobbying for more welfare funding try to argue that welfare checks haven't been raised in decades when they should be focusing on what can be done to get more people off of government assistance.
Franson said that as a single mom of three children, she knows what it's like to be poor.
"I don't hate the poor - I am the poor," she said. "I know what it's like - cereal and peanut butter sandwiches. I've been where these people are. But what do you do - feel sorry for yourself or try to get yourself out of it?"
Franson said that special interest groups that support additional welfare spending have their own reasons for doing so. "If the poor get better on their own, where do their agencies go?" she said.
Franson said she's received about 130 e-mails about her comments. They're not all negative. "A lot of people told me to stick to my guns," she said.
A few, however, resorted to vicious name-calling. One even threatened to use explosive devices against her entire family.
"Instead of getting angry why not take that energy and put it into getting more people out of poverty?" she said. "Government dependency is not the answer."
It is no wonder Dayton has trouble with such a simple concept as "Tax the Rich" when rural dunderheads like Franson not only exist, but populate the legislature. Romney at his 14% tax rate must be busting a gut unable to stop laughing at ones such as Franson. Without them, he'd have to pay fair taxes. I am sure he might stop laughing enough to feel a little love, straight from the pocketbook, for Franson.
If government dependency is such a hot button issue for the good lady Franson, what's her view of Romney's dependence on the government to give him a bushel basket full of tax breaks and benefits? He depends on it because it's the government he and his wealthy cohorts have bought. You buy the car you drive it where you want, and Franson's bitching over poor people eating decently as a way of occupying her time and concentration. What a world. The lady's insane and a nuisance.
___________FURTHER UPDATE___________
Andy at Residual Forces has posted again about Franson, this time about the underlying situation, as well as the string of excessively misdirected and extreme email, which is uncalled for.
Andy's latest post:
Nothing To See Here – DFL: Franson’s A Hater
Well, not exactly.
I see it as less a hater, and much more simply being a preposterous displaying turkey (of the female gender, of the GOP persuasion).
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Is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? |
Or this:
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Color me stupid. Color me insensitive. |
_____________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
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BIG TIME brain fart? You be the judge. HufPo still has the video Mary Franson posted, then scrubbed. |
_____________FURTHER UPDATE____________
Andy now is making it an "I've got mine now you get yours" kind of thing, a GOP mantra being his:
Sure, if you keep putting welfare advocates on air, people may cave, but if you ask taxpayers how they feel having their money taken and given to people, it turns this from charity and safety net into, what is government doing with my tax dollars…..
Okay let's put a face on that, shall we (besides Franson's):
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Numero Uno Wilfare cheat? |
Andy, (here, search the word "referendum"), has said if there's a referendum, and sufficient pro-Wilfare propaganda, he believes giving our money to Zygi would pass - taxpayers would accept that.
Well, I am with him, let's have that referendum and put hypotheticals to a test.
Personally, I'd rather see the hungry fed as a government duty and a human civil right, to be free from hunger, than seeing Zygi getting his plutocrat's "government dependency" satisfied, (freeing more of his own cash to buy a bigger private jet for flying to LA to scout out options).
__________FURTHER UPDATE___________
The Mary Franson thing got KOS attention, here, and one of the comments on dehumanizing the poor is worth attention in that thread, here. A Swift response to Franson's meander.
Another from that thread.