That got links over to Aaron's blog, here about interviewing Paul Thissen, and then to here, and here about helathcare as a State concern (from Hibbing Daily Tribune), and here, about a Tom Bakk interview session with Brown {and with a link to a prior Paul Demko MinnIndy interview with Bakk, here).
The same Google Alert gave the Thissen campaign site, linking to Brown, here.
Bakk, in the Demko interview, is a realist about starting to raise money early, and Thissen has an aggressive and purposeful posted schedule, here, with the word "fundraiser" neither inconspicuous nor absent. Presently, on the interactive map Anoka County is not in the future, nor the past, ditto so far for Sherburne County.
Thissen is beginning to post early campaign stop images, this being one, Oct. 20, Elks Club, Worthington:

Brown links to "failing grades" info, here, and to
Brown shares my concern for healthcare issues, addressed at the State level, while we await the Obama presidency, the Democratic majority in both houses, and what might be achieved nationally that would fit or preempt any reform we institute in Minnesota. Brown, as an Iron Range resident, has written for regional papers, links to them on his site, and is one of the more active blogs on the Range, wanting as we all do, broader broadband in the backyard. If you pass on comments to that post, I offer a helpful link, referring to the experience as background.