Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Bad marketing vs. capable marketing - the product, if good, and not the slogan is featured in order to sell itself.

Here. Here. Shoveling it on sixty-five pages deep, here. Product featuring, here. If you have a product that is mediocre, bland and feature-free, try using an actor with an empty chair as a prop.

If you want a slogan expressing a belief in the abstract, good for you. If you want belief expressed in a tangible and productive way, without taking 65 pages of double speak to articulate it, here and here. Be assured, Grover Norquist is no help to the latter good works; and be assured Norquist allies himself with the sloganeers. Putting better cleaner buses on the road is something you see now, tangible, out of local government and vendor initiative, and support and helpful spending out of the current Executive branch in Washington, DC. Believe it or not, but you can touch the bus because it is real. Or if you'd rather, touch Twitter purchased tweeting.

___________FURTHER UPDATE___________
Met Council being effective in what they do well. Running buses. Think how much more they could concentrate on that if they fired all their planners.

___________FURTHER UPDATE___________
If you are wondering what effective role Michele Bachmann played in bringing innovating New Flyer work to St. Cloud, recall she most recently spent much time in Iowa talking to any who'd listen about having been born in Iowa. Others were minding the store. Thinking effective thoughts and not poseur fluff. She did not think to seek to use an environmentally friendly and innovative Made in Minnesota bus. I expect no Made in Iowa thought ever either intervened in key decision making such as which string of pearls to wear on which day, in which Iowa county, whenever.

In closing, it is interesting how a consideration of excessive bad marketing almost inevitably ends up with a look at Michele Bachmann. Start with a piece of lumber having a slogan, end up with an animated media seeker with nothing at all to say.