DownWithTyranny, guest post. A promise is that it is worth your time and do follow the links.
The Bizarre Media Treatment of the Mangione Case
Why not post of about as just an assassination as can be with a quote of one unjustly gunned down? (By whom?) In terms of impact, it works. And the item goes from Presidential politics to TikTok in exploring who we are and how we are being treated. All True Stuff. And it links to X, so Elon must be thanked?
click the image to enlarge and read |
Same commentator - different tweet:
legible as is, click to enlarge |
You have to open the DWT post if you want the link to the Tweet. Generally I don't do tweet coverage, as generally tweets are puerile or stupid. The entire DWT post and its images and one embedded video of false promising has to gain as widespread coverage as I am able to generate. So do read. Do think. Pass on the DWT link to those who might find it helpful.
Of interest, for the young since the old already know, Dylan in an early song wrote, "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows." It inspired group action which got a bad press. Always be suspicious of a bad press.