
Friday, March 31, 2023

Pioneer Press reports on DeSantis and his chicken-shit pissing match with Disney.

There we go again, mixing metaphors. 

Link. The story is there to read and linking is sufficient. 

As to the parallel DeSantis/Florida GOP "Parents Bill of Rights" gimmick, the U.S. House with its Republican majority is playing the identical-tune

Both Tom Emmer and Gary Gross are posturing as if they take that House circus stunt seriously. Leave education to professional people who know what they are doing, please. 

Parents have the first key years of a child's life to shape the child's character and skills, and if they are fit as the bill advocates suggest, why is so much remedial work needed once kids hit the educational system? 

If parents read and intelligently talk to their middle school and primary school children, literacy and conceptual remedial work is seldom if ever needed. 

However some parents, probably in a group overlap with those pissing strongest about school curricula and their rights are themselves borderline literate, or indifferent to literacy skills so that schools have to mop up.

Let 'em play video games?. It keeps 'em occupied. Out of our way while we watch TV. 

TV ga ga. TV goo goo. 

Not all parents are that inept, but school teachers surely have a lot of remediation to handle, while having 35 students crowded in per class, plus evening class prep work and paper grading. It's no easy job, and having demagoguish background buzzing by politicians wanting to score political points - to make hay while the sun shines like Emmer whipping through a House bill that will go nowhere - that and such other related posturing - all of that - adds nothing positive to the demanding job situation. Many quit early over pressures outside of or in addition to managing a crowded classroom.

It is nobody's bed of roses job.