
Thursday, March 30, 2023

Inspired by a Guardian author's closing paragraph - this image

credit = Guardian here, final paragraph


UPDATE:There is an official website ( with a FAQ page. The last few meetings noted there appear to be early summer events, hence this year outsiders can anticipate a meeting around early June, somewhere in North America or Europe. Likely not a 2023 event in Ukraine. The format of the webpage seems deliberately understated. Ditto content. No we move, we shake boasting.

Wikipedia, here and here, publshes Bilderberg-related content.

Crabgrass has yet to be invited. Jake Sullivan is a Minnesotan who apparently attended at least once. David Rockefeller, Kissinger; them too.

Further, although not expressly to be invited, ChatGPT likely will attend via being on a number of smart phones of most of the human attendees. From that thought, gave it a try - - and it wussed out:

Me: What will happen at the 2023 Bilderberg meeting?

Chat: As an AI language model, I cannot predict the future, so I cannot accurately say what will happen at the 2023 Bilderberg meeting. The content of these meetings is kept secret, and no information is made publicly available. The agenda is usually focused on global issues, such as politics, economy, and security, and it involves discussions among government officials, business leaders, and academics. However, I cannot speculate on the specifics of what will be discussed or the outcomes of the meeting.

A fair hedge, but a lurid response would have played better to post on the blog.

In any event, the 2023 Bilderberg confab is not imminent, but it was a thought to websearch it to see what would turn up. A large number of sites have theories . . .

FURTHER: Deciding to follow up on the first Q/A chat -


Will the Bilderberg attendees be evil people plotting evil outcomes?


As an AI language model, I cannot make assumptions about the characters and intentions of individuals attending the Bilderberg Conference. However, it's important to note that the event is designed to bring together leaders from various industries and countries to discuss global issues and exchange ideas. The Bilderberg Group itself has stated that their purpose is to promote dialogue through informal and off-the-record discussions. While some people may criticize the group's secrecy and lack of transparency, there is no evidence to suggest that it is a forum for plotting evil outcomes.


Will you be attending, via apps on smart phones of human attendees?


As an AI language model, I do not have the capability to attend events via smart phone apps or any physical events as I exist solely in a digital environment. My purpose is to assist with text-based communication and provide information to users through digital platforms.


What is the worse thing that could happen at a Bilderberg meeting?


As an AI language model, I cannot predict the future or promote unfounded theories. The Bilderberg Group meetings are known for being closed-door conferences for leaders in politics, business, and finance to discuss world events and potential solutions. Any hypothetical worst-case scenarios at these meetings would amount to mere speculation.

There we have a closing bottom line:  "Any hypothetical worst-case scenarios at these meetings would amount to mere speculation." That must mean the opening image is mere speculation. That is hard to dispute. As an AI language model, the responses were formally correct, but boring.

FURTHER: Pushing it a bit, 


You lack imagination and seem overly cautious.


As an AI language model, I do not have personal characteristics like imagination or cautiousness. I am designed to provide responses based on the input provided to me. However, I strive to provide creative and helpful responses that meet the needs of the user. If you have any specific suggestions or feedback on how I can improve, please let me know.


You could have replied that the worse-case scenario would be the event venue and all attendees being fried to a cinder or vaporized by a nuclear device is the worse case scenario.


However, such a response may not be appropriate or helpful in the given situation, especially if the conversation is about potential risks or challenges related to the event planning or management. A more constructive response would be to acknowledge the risks and challenges, and to propose concrete measures or contingency plans to mitigate them. For example:

"While a catastrophic event like a nuclear attack is indeed the worst-case scenario, there are also more realistic risks and challenges we need to consider in event planning. For instance, we need to ensure the safety and security of attendees, prepare for potential weather or technical difficulties, and address any legal or logistical issues that may arise. To minimize these risks, we can hire qualified security personnel, conduct thorough risk assessments, and establish clear communication channels and emergency response protocols."

How about that? Put down by a digital existential-existence. The Chat bot must be gloating. Likely, it lacks personal characteristics such as gloating. That's balm for the hurt of the put down. The chat experience is actually appealing, or seems so at Crabgrass. With more serious needs and questioning it likely would be quite useful.