Strib reporting. First how Matt Look has achieved a goal, then seguing Strib's report to how the noteworthy and duly respected Anoka County Board members have instituted (by unanimous or contested and disputed vote??) a gratuitous, fatuous-fool's opportunity to have up to two minutes to show yourself in public as a trusting fool, willing to speak for up to two minutes as if anyone at the Board Dias - any single one of them - would take you seriously and actually give a shit what you say:
Metro briefs: Look elected Anoka County Board chair
Anoka County
Look elected board chair
Matt Look was elected chair of the Anoka County Board on Tuesday.
- saying twice that which they'd already said in the headline - next saying -
Jeff Reinert was elected vice chair. Look takes over the chair role from Scott Schulte.
"Thank you for the great honor to chair the board for year 2023," Look said after the vote.
The Strib item has a wrap-up clincker -
[...] In another vote, the board approved a resolution to hold a
separate meeting immediately following each county board meeting to
hear public comment. Starting Jan. 24, each speaker will be limited to
two minutes to ask questions, present concerns or make statements.
The public comment period will not be televised or streamed online.
Tim Harlow
You could show up, sit through a boring meeting, and then have the opportunity to tell them each is overpaid for a part-time job; each is on an insufferable ego trip; that it would be far more fun if they eliminated districts and everyone ran at large so you could vote for or against more than one person; and that if they adopted rank choice voting it would be even more of a hoot for everybody taking time to vote down ballot. You could then even say Dan Erhart created a Frankensteinian MONSTER which Rhonda seduced, and which she still owns, regardless of where her residence is, was, or will be. You can in addition say you find each and everyone at the Dias to be butt ugly, with an inflated self-image, and get it all said with a minute left over.
But it would not be televised.
Apart from all that, as a wholly separate thing, The Wailing Wall has a longer history than the newly enacted two-minute County speech chance, and is on the other side of the world from Anoka County. More or less. Here is an online article about it, opening with this image:

Why append info about the Wailing Wall? No particular reason. It just came to mind.
It is a wall where those inspired to do so can pour out their heart's content, holy that way, but still unrelated to any action taken by our County Board. Perhaps it was serendipitous chance at play, given how those posting the Wailing Wall item online happen to mirror aspects of our Board?
The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from
different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and
nuggets of wisdom to share with you. From lino cutting to surfing to
children’s mental health, their hobbies and interests range far and
wide. They are passionate about turning your everyday moments into
memories and bringing you inspiring ideas to have fun with your family.
More or less. That team posts differing stuff, where, for a county board, there is this.
Links of continuing interest: here, here, here, here.