
Thursday, September 01, 2022

Katherine Kersten had another lightning-rod negative op-ed published by Strib. A counter op-ed also published by Strib resulted. Neither addresses the core problem of how much post-highschool education costs these days.

 You can tout all the equity you care to, all day and all night but if you charge an arm and a leg to get through the system, you've got no equity.

Kersten link.

Response link.

Equity report a/k/a verbose double-speak word game. More of the same.

BOTTOM LINE: Tuition is too high. It costs too much. People without the money are shut out.

Fix it, before putting a lot of words into "equity." Words are ineffective where money's lacking. There, they are only words. And people short of money get too many words and not enough money.


Signators of the response item -

Signatories to this article are Devinder Malhotra, Minnesota State chancellor; Roger Moe, Minnesota State board chair; Jenna Chernega, Inter Faculty Organization president; Matt Dempsey, Minnesota State College Faculty acting president; Alex Kromminga, Minnesota State University Association of Administrative and Service faculty president; Kaileigh Weber, Students United state chair, and Ali Tomashek, LeadMN president.

To each: Trim the fat and push the legislature. Land grant colleges like the U. used to be funded to where they could set affordable tuition and students could work their way through a four year degree. Debt free. That's gone. History. Yesterday.

Restore that. Then sell me "equity."