
Friday, September 02, 2022

Yesterday Biden gave a speech critical of Trump. Yesterday McCarthy gave a speech critical of Biden. Each is reported to have worry over "the soul of America." Give me a break. has Biden's speech online.

Breitbart has a link to McCarthy's speech online.

Of interest, Crabgrass access to the Breitbart item opened with a blocked video, the search engine of the browser posting:

DuckDuckGo blocked this video to prevent Facebook from tracking you
We blocked Facebook from tracking you when the page loaded. If you unblock this content, Facebook will know your activity. Learn More

Without overriding the block, something was blocked and not of sufficient user concern to unblock. Neither speech reached my heart and mind enough to watch.

If you are a hound for punishment, you have the links.

Possibly of more interest to some readers, (possibly not to others), entries within the Florida District Court docket for the Mar a Lago search/seizure "special master" litigation are posted, with pdf doc download links, online here

Among the docket entries are the Trump lawyers' reply to the response of DOJ regarding the "special master" motion. Also there, media players jointly moving to have stuff unsealed so they can publish and churn readership.

Of interest to Crabgrass, the case docket as accessed this morning already has 62 entries. Churn, churn, churn. Run the meters, feed the children. One law professor at SUNY Buffalo has once called paper the grease and gum of litigation. For some reason that phrase has stuck in memory.

The protocol is not to bill clients for thinking. It is to generate paper, file the paper, and bill by the time invested in each item. (Often, part of that time is thinking.) Also lawyers sending letters to one another, or having phone conversations are billed.

Something tangible seems to have to be on the line item. Thinking is intangible, but you'd expect clients would want their lawyers to think about their legal matters. Wouldn't you want that if sued by Trump? So why would thinking not be billable hours? Most likely it is fashion, and the fact that thinking involves an almost unlimited elasticity while it can actually be the major value a lawyer renders, in the course of papers being generated and filed in court.

Then there is attorney client consultation. Billable and grounds for filing court papers, per the Trump team wanting a "special master" to examine the seized document trove for "privileged" attorney-client material.  

In closing - While it might be fun to see, it is most unlikely that any person with last name "Delayed" would ever gain appointment as a Supreme Court Justice. Ditto, last name "Denied." 

Much less probable, a pairing.