
Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Kevin Landry asks supporters to not vote for him for the District 1 seat, Anoka Country Board. In effect, dropping his contest for the seat held by incumbent Matt Look.


ECM keeps the report simple - 

Kevin Landry has informed ABC Newspapers that he will be informally dropping out of the Nov. 9 General Election race for County Commissioner District 1.

His name will still appear on the ballot, but he is asking supporters not to vote for him.

It will be interesting, that non-contested contest, what count "Landry" as a non-candidate will still draw. Matt Look has a polarized community Gestalt to where a vote "for" Landry, with his name still available on the ballot, would be a way for those in District 1 set against Look to express their feelings.

Leaving that part of the ballot blank is another option. Likely what I will do. Probably what I'd have done if Landry had not made his decision to end the contest. Leaving it blank would meet Landry's request that people not vote for him.

At any rate Look needs no more road signs and can concentrate his printing business on other jobs. He has already posted some new signs around District 1.