[UPDATED on the Student Loan Crisis - A Hoax?] Hat tip to Sen. Padilla for publishing a pdf of the letter [NOT hateful Scribd]. Next - Don't see Angie Craig. Don't see Dean Phillips. AWOL middle roaders need to be pointed out. Christsakes; even Clyburn signed on.
Link. The item explains itself. People who know young voters are essential to avoid a Dem bloodbath this November put their name to an effort. Perhaps updating later, but for now, besides Dean and Angie, Stauber, Fischbach, and Emmer would rather be party loyalists than humane. Every student loan debtor should burn those three names into memory, forever, as against the people and for the obscenely wealthy who want to keep "uppity kids" in their place. In debt, on payments, docile and malleable.
Fuck those three. Get a bit of heat to the feet of Craig and Phillips. They deserve that, but are nowhere near the dregs of MN6, MN7, and MN8. Also, MN1 would be on the list of Congressional deplorables except for a death intervening.
Last, Tina signed, Amy took a deplorable hike. Tina gets her gold star this time. Amy gets a lump of coal (autographed by Joe Manchin). Amy and Manchin, paired!
A Politico post from earlier as a reminder this is not the first time Joe's needed a fire under his butt to get his attention. Damned slow learner!
Another letter, earlier still, published on Warren's Senate website.
Not only are young voters needed in a 2022 GOTV effort, but long term, they are the nation's future, not old farts like the three in the last two presidential elections.
Beating up on the future is really stupid. Which in part explains the Fischbach, Emmer and Stauber positioning. Cutting no slack, at least Fischbach is not a hockey goon in her background. Close to Jesus, but not a goon.
Stuff: an SSRN policy paper (pdf and download link); another goad to Joe letter from a laundry list of progressive orginizations (pulling a co-author name not quite at random, ringing my bell,Campaign for America's Future) ; another policy paper; perhaps overkill, but from a site charmingly titled legalinsurrection.com; Yahoo reporting on another letter - this from many professors; and while many more tabs are open, readers can search for more, a last item, Common Dreams:
Too Much Talent Band and local activists hold a protest outside the
White House urging President Joe Biden to cancel student debt on March
15, 2022 in Washington, D.C. (Photo: Paul Morigi/Getty Images for We The
45 Million)
1,000+ Professors Endorse Call to Cancel All Federal Student Loan Debt
debt cancellation would be the first serious step toward the goal of
College for All that we have seen in our lifetime."
than 1,000 professors from colleges and universities across the
country—including prominent institutions such as Columbia, Yale, and
Berkeley—released a letter Tuesday endorsing calls for President Joe Biden to use his executive power to cancel all outstanding federal student loan debt.
"President Biden has the complete legal authority to eliminate student loan debt on his own."
executive action, President Biden has the complete legal authority to
eliminate student loan debt on his own—without Congress—and it is a step
supported by a majority of Americans," the faculty members write. "In
fact, the Debt Collective has already written an executive order President Biden could sign today to end this financial burden."
What we are seeing here is what seems an engineered groundswell of correspondence to Biden's attention; giving him the opportunity to say "groundswell" and to then say, not just Joe's idea, but the nation is calling.
Or something like that. In any event, ignore the voices, watch the Dem crash and burn be really ugly in November. Pay heed, do something, then the hope will be the young will be energized into believing they are deemed relevant. And will turn out and vote for those advancing their major agenda item.
Relevant? Long term? True or not, it will be good for this year's Dem GOTV.
FURTHER: A story in three links, last one with a quote. Source:Headlines -
CNN: Why Biden hasn't scored a political win from canceling $17 billion in student loans
BusinessInsider: Biden needs to 'make clear' to student-loan borrowers his 'intention to cancel a meaningful amount' of debt, nearly 100 Democratic lawmakers say
kfor.com:Student loan forgiveness? Here’s where the US stands - stating:
Although borrowers “will likely face a healthier economy going
forward, Direct loan holders have higher debt balances, lower credit
scores, and were making less progress on repayment than … prior to the
pandemic,” the researchers wrote. The average student loan debt balance now exceeds $37,000, with Americans owing roughly $1.6 trillion to the government.
On Thursday, 96 lawmakers – 21 Senators and 75 members of the House –
sent a letter to President Biden, calling on him to not only extend the
payment moratorium but to “cancel student debt now.”
“Canceling a meaningful amount of student debt will provide long-term
benefits to individuals and the economy, helping families buy their
first homes, open a small business, or invest in their retirement. More
broadly, canceling student debt would add tens of billions of dollars in
GDP growth,” the letter reads.
Okay. Clear story. They are young, but not dumb (unlike Trump supporters unlike Ginni Thomas). CNN's $17 billion on a$1.6 trillion amount is tokenism, and so clearly so that Ginni Thomas might even be able to see it as so. Tokenism will not motivate any big turnout. That $17 billion, come on, the Pentagon spends three times that much every week. Get real. So Biden either faces reality and acts decently, or pulls bullshit and there is that big Dem November splash.
He has the power of the executive order. Lyndon Johnson would have had the balls to use such power. Does Joe? Lyndon would have cared. Does Joe?
A token - billions in the scale of things - is better than naught, but not a sincere amount, given the scale of things. You want GOTV, you motivate it. Easy? It's government money, not Joe's nor Hunter's. JUST DO IT! Soon enough to let the Republicans howl, and then use the bully pulpit to denounce them for the evil they are. Easy. But does Joe Biden have it in him to eschew tokenism which would show his low regard for the intelligence of those he'd need to motivate.
WASHINGTON — The Biden administration plans to freeze
federal student loan payments through Aug. 31, extending a moratorium
that has allowed millions of Americans to postpone payments during the
coronavirus pandemic, according to an administration official familiar
with the White House's decision-making.
Student loan payments were
scheduled to resume May 1 after being halted since early in the
pandemic. But following calls from Democrats in Congress, the White
House plans to give borrowers additional time to prepare for payments.
The action applies to more
than 43 million Americans who owe a combined $1.6 trillion in student
debt held by the federal government, according to the latest data from
the Education Department. That includes more than 7 million borrowers
who have defaulted on student loans, meaning they are at least 270 days
late on payments.
Borrowers will not be asked
to make payments until after Aug. 31, and interest rates are expected to
remain at 0% during that period.
The extension was first reported Tuesday by Bloomberg.
That smooth move makes it possible to survive elevated prices remaining higher over that intervening time frame, no tanking economy for those owing and underpaid, with one month, September, before the election.
Then hell arising from the ineffectiveness of a bandaid on a broken leg approach shows up after the votes have been counted.
Callous? Politics as usual? You decide. However, in case you read over it, 7 million of our young, our future, owing $1.6 trillion for getting educated to become better citizen-voters, now stuck on a pin like an insect in a display case.
young student loan debtors
Children of the wealthy can always have dad give millions to Harvard to gain entry and then exit with a gentleman's C transcript, into a future with dad's business (the Jared Way we can call it).
The rest of us? It's on the plate, so eat it?
Joe Biden appears to have as much disdain for the diligent less-than-wealthy young as does Trump. Same wealthy old millionaire white man mentality, same shaft.
It does not mean - Vote Republican. That would only make things worse.
It means go again with lesser evil with Biden, with eyes open and with no love for the mean old SOB.