
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Without attempting any second sourcing for any of the quotes, they have a running thread and both individually and collectively are informative.

Link. Yes, a funky site. However, quote checking should be feasible at least for a subset, with readers invited to do a check, or to simply read the quotes a time or several - and then to ponder the meaning of life. And the consequences of the taughtness in relations of individual and state. Trust and doubt.

A previously linked Wikipedia link. R.C. Christian = as if a fictional John Galt but with a tangible, real checkbook and a set of drawings? Project Veritas looks other places; diversionary cotton candy.

Willie Horton's publicist gives a speech. The NWO part of a bigger speech,  possibly, this transcript. The item dated Sept. 11, a decade and a year before 9/11; Saddam 1, the elder Bush, then Saddam 2, little Bush.

A Wikipedia bonus for those reading this far. Does NWO translate to Build Back Better with Fewer? Along with Bush the elder, other population erosion:

Counting elder Bush, three great communicators. (Past tense).

"Great" being to the eye and ear of the communication target. "Great" in the reporting of media's mainstream opinion setters. Crabgrass thinking otherwise. But, what's a single voice crying out in the wilderness?