
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

A screaming headline is cause to ask, "Wtf is Schumer's job, if not to be on top of his caucus?" Or the companion question, "What's Schumer hiding from, to not be atop things?" Either way and for other reasons AOC should primary Schumer. Time is fleeting, but is Manchin running the Dem Senate caucus? That or is Schumer hiding from lies now coming unraveled? Unraveling via Manchin playing Biden's bad cop, Biden playing good cop, all theater where there's no will to deliver what the public wants and deserves?

 Bogyman Joe, for to vex reformer Joe. The Manchin-Biden vaudeville team.

Or what? The AP story carried by Strib, the headlining -

Manchin, Sinema to meet with Biden in talks to trim $3.5T

There is the suspicion we are being played for fools, and when the show's over and they turn up the lights; there will be no money left on the table for US after the 0.1% has been accorded dutiful respect, per "Infrastructure" pork aplenty. 

As the young lad in legend told Shoeless Joe, "Say it ain't so, Joe."

Time marches on.


From that AP/Strib link, does this stuff at all ring true to you -

From free pre-kindergarten and child care subsidies for families with small children to dental care and hearing aids for seniors with Medicare, there's a lot in the president's proposal — all to be paid for with higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy.

With Republicans solidly opposed, Democrats are rushing to trim the total and win holdouts within their own party.

As the overall price tag comes down, Pelosi said the House Democrats would not move ahead on a bill until it is acceptable to their colleagues in the Senate. "We're not there yet," she said.

Some readers may see that as major saga stuff. Others may see a steaming pile in the pasture, while Crabgrass merely asks questions, no thumb on the scale, none whatsoever.