
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

China is declaring cryptocurrencies Verboten for its billions of citizens' hobbies and businesses.

Ars. Will there now be a flood of used gpu cards on the market? Ones bought up on issuance by the organized cryptominers, with a market glut resulting that would benefit gamers and gpgpu researchers? Or will the word of the bosses be ignored until public shaming and punishment sinks into the collective "Chinese Mind?" Capitalism takes turns and bends, so who's got a free market, in any real sense, besides criminal gangs? Where even murder is allowed competition for market dominance? Can you imagine Gates and Bezos, or Zuckie, in such a market? Brutal, even in thought experimentation.

Of course, what do I know? Guardian, as mainstream as ever, teaches:

Zuckerberg, who is worth $77bn 13 years after he started Facebook in his Harvard University dorm room, isn’t as speedy a reader as Gates but his New Year resolution in 2015 was to read at least one book every fortnight.

They both agree that Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence has Declined – an 800-page tome by Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker is a must-read. The book argues that while it may feel like the world has become more dangerous, a longer look over human history shows violence is on the wane. It jumped to the top of Amazon’s book charts when Gates first tweeted that it was “the most inspiring book I’ve ever read”.

What's to conclude? Better Angels do not cryptomine? Or something else, bigger, grander? But less able to tie beginning and end of a stream of thoughts post?