
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Words are cheap. Either pass both bills or shut up. It is not complex. Words are worthless if both bills fail to both pass.

 The headline tells the truth. The rest is window dressing. All of it.

Both bills are long. Each doubtlessly has garbage hidden among good provisions written with the best of intentions. The likely truth is whatever is voted, whenever it is voted, most voting Congress critters either way will be unable to say what's in either bill.

It will be easy to say, "I dislike A, B, and C. That's why I voted so-and-so." Which we all know is disingenuity personified. In large bills, among the level of character shown by either or both houses of Congress; we know objectionable things will have been inserted by log-rolling; but do not give a dime's worth of respect it the baby's thrown out and the bathwater is duly signed into law by eager Joe.

The bet here is Thursday passes without a floor vote. On anything.


Wrong! They passed a little something, to show they could fog a mirror, the passage having to do with interim funding of the national government until Dec. 3, when they can again kick the can, from then into the new year.

Woo, woo.