
Monday, September 13, 2021

Being a Trump outlet these days, Breitbart takes aim at GWB. For the wrong reasons. Not for being a war monger dumb enough with his dad's equally dumb advisors to launch two-front war, but for likening Jan 6 Capitol occupation to terror from outside national borders.

 Link. It speaks for itself. 

RELATED: Hat tip to Dan Burns for publishing this link on Afghanistan, and the analysis around the clear fact there was little to no reason to linger there, while describing the booming drug trade. Were the CIA involved, Risen does not delve into that possibility. Yet a string of Presidents after little Bush kept the thing going; with reasoning why being largely absent from public discourse.

Mainstream media failed to ask the question, what CIA aims were in Afghanistan.

Breitbart's focus is misguided. Members of the public challenging the Capitol over rampant corruption in DC would have made sense. Invading the Capitol to prove they (as Trump loyalists) could - and could have escalated things if Trump had wanted more - directed that way the Capitol intrusion thing was doomed and the corruption runs on with sanctimonious clucking over, "How could they . . ."

We are overdue for demonstrations against corruption, politicians being bought with subsequent tax cuts for the super wealthy donor class, both parties at the trough, but media quelling public outrage - i.e., having done its task. Ultimately, the mess needs cleaning.

Yet today's corruption problem is apart from getting out of Afghanistan, which could have been done at the point Obama-Clinton claimed to have killed bin Laden, but was prolonged instead. 

Finally out, little Bush talking of bad spawn WAS offensive, with his showing no intent to look into the face in his shaving mirror, reaction to his wording was due. But again, Breitbart looks wrongly at what he said beyond the inherent contradiction and refusal to see himself as genesis of the entire Afghanistan fiasco. Not seeing, not admitting, same story.

So the Bush family does not like the Trump family. And little Bush gives a speech saying so? News? Hardly. And with both families held by many to be worthless if not evil, why take sides? 

Breitbart is Trump Media, no doubt, but fueling the Republican civil war over Trumpism vs. ordinary greedy ill-will among "regular" war-profiting Republicans seems to do no good toward either of the opposed families. 

Not that there is good to be found or made up among the two. Just that Breitbart seems to have little cause to play favorites, though favoritism clearly is their nature, to a fault. 

Trump owns Breitbart. Not in terms of invested dollars, but in terms of spirit and discord.