
Monday, September 13, 2021

The Newsom recall effort in California is really stupid.

 Link. Link. That level of money spent, both sides, could be put to good use. Instead it goes to campaign consultants, who are neither the best nor brightest. The entire thing is fiddling while real issues exist. Evictions. Covid again spiking. Trump and little Bush in a pissing match, that is more like the recall stupidity than like a true issue, a yawner, and for the two, same as with the consultants, neither is best nor brightest.

Think how better and simpler the world would be if there were no Republicans and only conservative Dems [Manchin/Biden] and progressive Dems [Jayapal/AOC] to be at one another time and again. Retire Mitch McConnell to a Kentucky farm, raising blue grass, kush-diesel hybrid, whatever, and watch the sun shine brighter and the birds sing sweeter.

Actually, there is no such thing as interesting mainstream diversionary stuff. While Congress is deciding what to spend, how to spend it, the supporting "other news" is -- lame.

May Texas cement a big Dem turnout. Emily's List is reforming itself; an SEIU activist replacing what, a big Hillary booster back then (when Bernie would have run the table and won the first time). Biden did win. But Bernie would have won that time too, and would have had a whopping bigger margin. Ya betcha. Bernie is neat. Joe Biden has a bit of Jill Biden to him, Dr. she says about an education degree, and Joe seems proud of his decades of conservatism. Anita Hill was credible, but not allowed to unhorse a bad knight; the fix was on and we suffer for it.