
Sunday, September 12, 2021

Being in CD6, Michele Bachmann succeeded in Congress by Tom Emmer, I am not a hockey fan, but resigned to see politics elsewhere as sane. Jacob Frey disappointed, and his campaign guy lost an election to a second hockey guy.

 Kate Knuth looks like a candidate to freshen up the city's mayoral office.

Read about her. Vote for her and for the public safety amendment, if you have the chance. 


Being outside looking in, my CD6 vote exists, but I envy those having a real choice; a real chance who do their GOTV duty. 

Emmer, faults and all, at least is an upgrade from Crazy Eyes, spouse of Marcus Bachmann who "counseled" one of Gazelka's children, a daughter who Paul surrendered to the dark forces of Bachmann's clinic, which the young woman likened to torture.

We are better than some politicians we live with, because some favor them.

We see Knuth and younger advocates, who will seize the DFL from bondage to old ways of thought. Bravo. It is never too soon to see progress. A lot of places need it.

Mpls can reach it; if turnout unseats Frey and installs his better.

While Knuth is not alone as a progressive choice against tired old Frey, she is the candidate seen at Crabgrass as most promising of level change and implementation of progressive aims, aims at least one other candidate also holds.

(TakeActionMinnesota endorses both, but Knuth rings my bell. With rank choice voting, DON'T RANK FREY. Rank both TAM candidates, You won't go wrong.)

It is only a guess, but the impression is that Knuth might be more successful for change, if winning the vote for mayor. 

Not to rain on any other parade. Besides Frey's.