
Sunday, August 01, 2021

Cleveland votes Aug. 3

 Latest Guardian coverage.


While that election will say much about urban national mood, federal spending may or may not happen, one way, or another. Juxtapose two directions.

The Clinton-Podesta loser bloc, saying and trying to convince us that real and actual progressives have been "defanged" by Biden in a simplistic way. That is throwing a gauntlet, whether the suggestion proves true or false.

Where the rubber will meet the road: Insistence over The Green New Deal has been reemphasized, symbolically, and by House members in an arguably stronger counter gauntlet throw.

Either the House members holding swing-vote power back up their intent with action, or cave in, by declining to kill the Republican Senate/Biden "infrastructure" joke/insult (which kisses the rear of fossil fuel wealth (them roads, them bridges) while showing a direct intentional blindness to any and all climate worry). 

Whichever way things unfold will be a key observation related to things to come, and arguably the Cleveland special election outcome dynamics strengthen one bloc or the other. 

Dem labor unions are frothing at the mouth for jobs/jobs/jobs to the point of being willing to see climate considerations thrown under the bus. Biden has that part of things in his back pocket. 

The Choice: Kill the bill if climate is not suitably and sincerely addressed, or tell the Podesta-Clinton operation's post author "You nailed it."

Compromise of one sort or another may kick the can down the road, but Dem hopes for the 2022 election will not be helped, the longer the problem lingers.

The feeling here is you either carry out killing the bad bill, or you become irrelevant and powerless. Related links, Axios. CBS, Common Dreams, The Hill.

BOTTOM LINE: If when the time comes progressives are unwilling to "Manchin" their leverage, they have none.