
Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Cleveland voted, plus a Republican Ohio seat went for a Trump surrogate.

 LA Times report. Both contests.

Glad to not be living in Ohio. It is as it is.

A lot of money was spent.

Turner clearly was favored here.

Clyburn? Second win, Biden now this.

Don't like what you cannot change? Welcome to the club.

If people do not want better healthcare and reins on Big Pharma, there is nothing I can do to change it. The Republicans are the ones pissing over K-12 education in the nation. Something in the process is not working toward progress. Progressives should be looking at the other end of how education produces voters who do as they do, rioters who riot for Trump. When they could have been rioting about how crooked the Capitol crowd is, instead.

The Chinese will soon eat our lunch. Taking over a planet past a climate tipping point, and there are so many of them. If we lacked the power to brain-drain other nations we'd be in deep trouble. Best and brightest vote Shontrel? Get real.

It is nothing to stop the world spinning on its axis, but it is a sign of distress.


The bankers, billionaires, Republican and other conservatives have shills, who will  gloat, the entire nutshell of evidence of this, an op-ed The Hill ran, ending:

Turner's loss in Ohio underscores anew the reality that the left's voice is more pronounced than their votes.

Al Hunt is the former executive editor of Bloomberg News. He previously served as reporter, bureau chief and Washington editor for the Wall Street Journal. For almost a quarter century he wrote a column on politics for The Wall Street Journal, then The International New York Times and Bloomberg View. He hosts Politics War Room with James Carville. Follow him on Twitter @AlHuntDC.

At least Turner had enough class to not blame her loss on James Comey. Nor did she bullshit about an election being stolen. She's not an asshole that way.

This was a special election with the seat up again in 2022. Without trying to research the question, under Ohio law is there any bar to Turner running as an Independent in 2022? There's one top notch Independent in the Senate who's been voting on organizing with the Democrats (it got him a Committee chair); so having one in the House doing the same would have equal charm. 

In a general election where gerrymandering makes Republicans irrelevant in Ohio CD11, how would Brown-Turner shake out in such a general election?

Surely Turner could again seek the seat in 2022 as a Democrat. The question is whether more good would result, win or lose, if she ran Independent?

FURTHER: Brown, in turn, should consider a 2022 Senate run against Portman. (Becoming the second sitting Ohio Senator named Brown.) She's on a roll. 

Schumer needs another female of color in the Senate with Harris having moved upstairs. Indeed, Ohio like California is a populous state. Ms. Brown could use Harris as a template. Being less abrasive than Harris, her career upgrade chances would be interesting. It would be Pelosi wanting a good foot soldier to stay and Schumer having a shot at another nose to count, the two with friction between them over who best could utilize one such as Ms. Brown. It would be worth popping popcorn to sit and see that drama play out.

FURTHER: Of interest, word searching, =Brown, and =Ohio, no hits on the Breitbart homepage,,  i.e., NOT quickly featuring or even covering the Trumpist's win in Ohio CD15.

Why not? 

Equally informative, compare, that site, word search = border.