
Saturday, July 31, 2021

How is this for a 2022 campaign slogan. Law and Order needs enforcement against the rich, more than the poor because the rule has to change to money cannot buy anyone an "Out of Jail Free" card.

 Link. Perhap shorten the slogan: Justice must be blind to a dollar sign.

It boils down to the same message.

UPDATE:  Parallel link.

Dem. usage of such a slogan, however, would suffer from the Obama/Holder handling of Wall Street justice. Where no significant Wall Street banker or other figure was prosecuted or jailed and where Geithner with his tie to the New York Fed called signals at Treasury while in parallel the present Mpls. Fed's boss shepherded TARP money as he deemed best. Some home mortgages got foreclosed. All done smoothly. It was not a partisan war, Dems vs GOP. Arguably, it was DC as expected.

Still - justice blind to the dollar sign is a resonant idea, if only in the abstract.