
Saturday, July 31, 2021

These are the kinds of people, what they did, what it says of their character, who deserve to have a hard time doing time.

 Link. They are from Ramsey County, not Ramsey the town in Anoka County. 

Hopefully that means all the crap they did was not at town mailboxes.

Still -

They either learn while jugged, or come out worse. As with other things, gross assholeishness either increases, decreases or remains the same.

While in prison, the staff should, all things considered, impound all of their mail.

Grumping my way through morning coffee, yes, but still - petty criminals doing widespread mischief deserve special attention.

In an ideal world each of these two deserve having a Wall Street criminal as a cell mate, a big crime/petty crime mix. But Wall Street criminals never go to jail.

Good morning, world! 


Then there are the big time criminals who retire and do watercolors, or paintings while Assange is in a cage and Snowden in exile. This, some call "justice."

As already noted - Increases, decreases or remains the same.