
Friday, July 30, 2021

Make of this post whatever you want.

 CIA, NSA and Pegasus users are not the eyes of the world. Assange comes closer, and he's being tortured. So, you are it. You look at Assange and Pegasus, and then what can you do about it. If nothing, hang it up and see what tomorrow brings. If interested, continue.

Start with the lyrics. Why go there, here?

Why not?

On YouTube this one if you can stand the rippling eye visual. If you want a later version but not - and Company, not that late, this one.

On the second version, in case you suppress comment streams - full screen - whatever, know that the first comment on the thread = "One of the worst dressed bands ever. I love it."

Leave the post there. Largely.

Jarad always seems to be a dapper dresser. He's either gone low key, no wave making, or media is collectively ignoring efforts he may take.

Propaganda can get you, even if trying to stand alert to it.

Tell yourself, whether you know, was the election stolen from Trump? One answer is the weight of repeated media mention, all the election officials counting separately and saying consistent things. Another answer is you don't know. You are being told things, but do you, personally, know? 

There is a lot of stuff I don't know. I know I voted unhappily against Trump and for the apparent lesser evil, hating the absence of a real choice, as I understood the "choice." But I have no knowledge whether my ballot was counted. Or whether Trump was the lesser evil.

How do you know the earth orbits the sun yearly, vs the sun orbiting the earth daily? How do you know bin Laden is dead and not living in a safe house in Dubai? After plastic surgery with multiple passports from different NATO nations in hand, each in the name Akeem Abdullah, each using his post-plastic photo? Not buried at sea as we've been told? Did you see a burial? Do you know someone who did?

I am still trying to understand who killed Kennedy. 

Either of the two.

You are the eyes of the world. Don't mess that up. But don't believe much without staying skeptical.


A skeptic's question. This AP feed is offered the public as news. Read the headline. Read the item. The headline is out of step. It is sheer opinion, and the story makes no such point of relative importance of issues. Is it the start of a set-up to where a progressive disaffiliation with an "infrastructure" bill with no recognition of climate change and renewables' importance can be waved about as "progressives killing Biden's Presidency, or trying to?" 

Perhaps such a speculative view as ended the last paragraph, speculation about motive, has no place in news commentary, then that is one correct observation. But if the headline is not baseless opinion equally having no place as news, what is it?

The item author quotes only one Obama former official, who never is quoted or noted to have said one worry "overshadows" another. 

Perhaps one can argue the meaning of "overshadow." Bill Clinton might.

Or am I wrong? Be skeptical of me.