
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Tax the rich to fund Build Back Better and other stimulus ideas is gaining press attention.

Newsweek, here, here and here.

This image from DWT. 

It would be interesting to see numbers for LeBron James, and Glen Taylor, owner of the Minnesota Timberwolves and Minnesota's largest statewide daily newspaper, Strib.

How about that little fart, Bloomberg? Finally having to pay some, for all the prosperity he has enjoyed into his latter years. JUSTICE with a nice ring to it.

But will it happen, or is it just an idea floating to attract 2022 votes? An idea being floated with such a cynical nexus? PROVE IT. 


If discussed but undone, why care? Former Dem Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton ran on "Tax the Rich" but once in office he gave it up easily with a free pass from the press. How would the proposed Warren wealth tax hit Mr. Dayton, who'd surely deserve as big a hit as it would impose.  Running on that slogan, finally paying up, JUSTICE again. 

UPDATE: DWT again. Including an image.

FURTHER: Bloomberg's press, on issue.

FURTHER: Breitbart, being Breitbart, publishes this, but not any "tax the rich" stuff? (Or did I miss something?) A focus on the less relevant, a blind eye toward major economic JUSTICE. But to be expected; they are Republicans. Keeping score the way Republicans do.