
Thursday, March 18, 2021

Seattle Times carrying an AP feed - an ending-item short paragraph: And Andrei Turchak, the leader of the main pro-Kremlin United Russia party, described Biden’s remarks as a reflection of “the U.S. political marasmus and its leader’s dementia.”

 Link.  The context of the post is about Russian rhetoric following Biden using "killer" to describe Putin.  It is a "we can throw stones too" kind of report.

As to the above headlined mid-item paragraph, first, a new word to me, "marasmus," suggesting a wasting away problem sense, (not applicable to Trump who goes the other way from wasting away), and then in publishing the post, misplacing the apostrophe in front of the s, and not following it. Two in a row most recently, and then there is going back to the Gipper, who was neither wasting away nor getting portly. The Gipper had Nancy and always wore that earpiece, while he got a free pass from the press as a "Great Communicator," something Biden might have to strive toward.