
Thursday, March 11, 2021

Biden and the "Press Conference Question."

A background websearch. The returned item blurbs from that search define the issue.

Republican St. Cloud, MN, blogger Gary Gross has posted. I left a comment there, and Gary does moderate comments, so if he declines to keep it, I can put it here via an UPDATE. For now, check out what Gary thinks, where he posts a Hannity embedded video (FOX toxic waste), and links to here (note that Strib carried that item and attributed it to ChiTrib, not to the alternate site to which Gary linked).

Do I care whether Biden personally meets the press, or relies on his Press Secretary to handle such stuff? Not really. Not much. Should you care? If so, fine; if not, fine.

Breitbart on the issue, being what Breitbart is (bothersome partisanship much of the time).