
Thursday, March 04, 2021

Taking a shot at Mitch McConnell happens often to where, usually, it is not news. When Breitbart does the shooting, in this fashion, whose Republican Party is it?


This Breitbart flavor of (non-unique) reporting IS news. That they did not just bury the story quietly while maintaining general Breitbart anti-Democrats reporting. The report's release, its timing on the heels of CPAC, also unpins the meter a bit.

Too bad Schumer choose such a weak challenger to McConnell last election, where even Schumer wasting a ton of Party money behind his choice was insufficient to cease the McConnell incumbancy. There was a progressive Democrat . . .

Had that progressive not been stymied in primary activity, and later won, Harris would not be able to hold her prominent role as "tie-breaker politician of our time." Less drama, more substance, if a more sound challenge had been launched against McConnell in Kentucky last cycle.


Another model of a modern Inspector General. Serving the public? Serving Pentagon rank and file? Serving payback? For whose benefit?