
Friday, March 05, 2021

Heritage Foundation gives a platform to a presently out-of-work politician. Who you befriend is a part of who you are.

 Mike Pence. Link. He writes nothing that matters. Blah, blah bullshit about depressing Dem voter counts. What matters is him being given a forum, by the proto-establishment band remaining yet powerful within the Trump-White Republican Party. 

Heritage hat tips Pence after Trump in his Jan. 6 rebellion-incitement speech took a big-time dump on Pence for not joining Trump's crypto-coup effort via "Stop the Steal" falsehoods. Pence presided on the electoral vote count hearing per the rule of law rather than the rule of Trump, but beyond that, he still is the same old Mike Pence he always was. Attempted redefinition as anything more, good luck, it is a tough sell.

Pence being thrust forward by the GOP establishment means what? That he is in their view capable of delivering evangelical bloc sentiment away from Trump? That the establishment wants the evangelicals to get in line and then toe the line?

Or might this just be coincidence? Surely Heritage could have gotten Josh Hawley to have written identical anti-vote fluff, but Pence got the opportunity.