
Thursday, March 04, 2021

A fifteen minute video, a Biden-House caucus virtual chat, posted by the White House. Not once mentioned - the minimum wage abandonment - and web notice of video end cropping.

 Youtube. Beginning with Pelosi at her smarmiest. You can scroll through the video to when after the Pelosi long intro Biden begins speaking - but smarm does not end with his starting to speak. If you watch that dog/pony thing to its end, this bank of commentary might interest you.

Any questions?

UPDATE:, here, posts a transcript. Check the final paragraph. Is this a tempest in a teapot, or are the Biden people in terror and hiding Biden from impromptu appearances? In dread of press conference gaffes to where press conferences are yet to happen? 

Biden-Harris is the White House favor for four years, and it differs from Trump-Pence. Do you think a lot of huffing and puffing in MSM over adding/deleting fifteen bucks from the two trillion dollar pork bill might be to keep the issue alive for a standalone? In order to be able to emphasize how it ends up being the Republicans killing it? What if the Republicans won't play along? And it passes? Standalone?