Monday, February 01, 2021

Facial Recognition - Faces of the Riot.

 Explanation and analysis; this link.

If this can be done, as it was done, can it not be done anywhere/anytime when video, perhaps from surveillance cameras, is available to clever people.

So, how private is your whereabouts, when you think your whereabouts are private?

After hopping through a few frames, few females, fewer blacks. What a surprise!


Remember when Superman was, first of all, white, but then young, vigorous, powerful beyond others in the absence of kryptonite - able to fly while standing for TRUTH, JUSTICE AND THE AMERICAN WAY? And he had phone booths. Not smart phones. Phone booths. Where a superman could lose the glasses and suit, the mild-mannered guise, and fly out to right wrongs.

First, DC runs on kryptonite.

Second TRUTH, JUSTICE AND THE AMERICAN WAY? What about that? Cops out of Star Wars IS the amerikan way. Always a lie, told often enough that youngsters never questioned.

TURTH, JUSTICE AND THE AMEREICAN WAY is a contradiction in terms. A wrongful joinder of things imaginary and one last reality the guys in those photos will learn soon.

Now the DEEP STATE has seen the population they ignored for so long. And are moving to the American Way. Make the fucking building more secure so that members of the people can never get in again. Fencing and such. Our castle, our portcullis.

Really what they should do, not a fence, not a moat with alligators. Build a massive as far as you can see swamp around the fucking building - make the figurative usage the actuality, and that friends is 

THE AMERICAN WAY - - - More Lil Abner and the Yocum Gestalt, than any Super Hero shit.

And knowing that - Have a nice day. 

Biden and Mitch will.

Say, if you want LIES, INJUSTICE AND THE AMERICAN WAY - you voted for trump. Or Biden. Two sides, same coin. Same under the skin where LIES AND INJUSTICE are THE AMERICAN WAY.

And the Founders were distrustful of a standing army. Think on that.

LAST - - - THE AMERICAN WAY TAKES TWO PARTIES TO DO IT. Three would hash it up, so