
Sunday, January 24, 2021

Politico reports DC as a police state (and presumably the Capitol behind razor wire to keep citizens out) will continue through the impeachment trial in the Senate


Excerpt -

Impeachment trial to keep National Guard troops at Capitol

There are fears of mass demonstrations.

Members of the National Guard work inside a secured area of the U.S. Capitol complex on Jan. 16
Federal law enforcement officials told lawmakers the impeachment trial poses a big enough threat to require thousands of National Guard troops to remain in Washington through mid-March. | Jacquelyn Martin/AP Photo

Opening paragraphs of Politico's report

Former President Donald Trump’s upcoming Senate impeachment trial poses a security concern that federal law enforcement officials told lawmakers last week requires as many as 5,000 National Guard troops to remain in Washington through mid-March, according to four people familiar with the matter.

The contingency force will help protect the Capitol from what was described as “impeachment security concerns,” including the possibility of mass demonstrations coinciding with the Senate’s trial, which is slated to begin the week of Feb. 8.

Despite the threat, the citizen soldiers on the ground say they have been given little information about the extension and wonder why they are being forced to endure combat-like conditions in the nation’s capital without a clear mission.

“Quite frankly this is not a ‘combat zone,’ so combat conditions shouldn’t apply,” said one Guard member on the ground in D.C. who has deployed twice to Afghanistan.

Several National Guard units have seen their deployments extended involuntarily, though a majority of Guardsmen remaining in Washington will do so on a volunteer basis. Around 7,000 troops will continue to provide riot security through the beginning of February, with that number decreasing slightly to 5,000 by the time Trump’s impeachment trial begins.

Boots on the ground is an understatement.

While numbers were higher during the Normandy D-day beachhead days, you get to 7,000 and 5,000 and the number should ring in your mind - what level of troop withdrawal was Trump's latest plan for the lingering  Afghan War forces - numerically, in comparison.

Think that over.