
Saturday, January 23, 2021

Giving Biden credit when credit is due. Conditionally. Good moves with consequent vacancies, so the jury is still out.

A quick sound move at NLRB, some firing being necessary.

A great chance at making the FCC again more responsible to the pubic interest as it should be, rather than the totally grotesque industry captured thing it was under Trump's chair appointee, Ajit Pai, who resigned on Biden's inauguration day. 

With both an NLRB vacancy and an FCC vacancy, how Biden fills each, (and whether the FCC interim chair move will be finalized), are still open questions.

Both moves are promising and should resonate with progressives. However, both vacancy situations could result in less than ideal appointees, so each remains a wait-and-see. As does the question of who becomes Biden's permanant FCC chair nominee. 

(Certainly Biden could blow a promising start, but for now both moves look strong and commendable.)