
Sunday, January 24, 2021

You wonder, how can we tightly try to foresee what the Biden term will be, policy-wise, regarding globalization.

 Davos should give a hint, since old dogs do not learn new tricks - 

To play the item shown in the screen capture, this YouTube link.

For the brand of world economic structure the WEF is foruming, 2021, start here, the WEF agenda for our first year of the Biden Presidency. 

Do your own agenda exploration, it is best that way. However -The sub-item from that WEF 2021 that to me is a real hoot is this one, opening image of cloying diversity, all smiling, per a title,

How 2020 taught businesses to place empathy before profit

The importance of sincere engagement with your employees' experiences and needs has been the greatest business revelation of the pandemic