
Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Justice Collaborative Institute - there is such a thing - has Georgia polling in support of direct Covid-19 relief payments to individuals.

For what it is worth, something readers must decide if they care, the link

The impression made with Crabgrass is that a counter "Think Tank" is at play. The right wingers have done Hoover Institute and such, to "legitimize" their war against the people in favor of Big Capital. With the 1% having their "Think Tank" propagandists, Fedearalist Society being the most egregious, a counter balance is needed. Back to FDR thinking and such actually is a good thing. It should be encouraged. Discourse only at the outer-right fringes of political thought has been the Bill and Hillary legacy. It stinks. It appalls too. It is bogus to narrow-spectrum choices via propaganda and money both piled onto those wanting to have a dumb and pliant electorate, or to so turn off sane voters that they don't bother anymore. Getting the "don't bother anymore" mentality entrenched has been a giant victory for the forces of evil.

Links related to the gist of this post: The Appeal, posting a recent item about committee assignments used by leadership to shape things. Then there is Georgia Voters Overwhelmingly Support Direct Stimulus Payments - The Justice Collaborative Institute ( Last, the institute homepage, The Justice Collaborative Institute (

The idea has been to tersely narrow linking with the idea readers can go from there to further detail and thought. 

Somebody has to do a better job than The Heritage Foundation, (remember, slavery and racism are as much a part of national heritage as the film, Birth of a Nation, which in early twentieth century film genre was both a format leader for western galloping horse chase scene cliche as well as a promotion of the Klan as good citizenship). 

FDR as heritage; good. Gipper and the Clintons as heritage; bad. Owned bad. 

The propagandists seized upon a general mood impression that the "American Heritage" could be packaged and marketed and sold as a 1% means to conduct an intellectual coup against simple common sense. It worked. Trump being believed by those not atop the economic spectrum, while serving that top bloc, being but a recent example of Big Lie selling big. Read some of the linked stuff and see what you think.