
Friday, December 11, 2020

Horse's Ass. [UPDATE: Pluralize that.]

 Strib link.


Rep. Tom Emmer backs bid to get U.S. Supreme Court to overturn election


From reading the sub-head below the image, hundreds of 'em. 



More of the same. The son-of-a-bitch lost and has to move on. This kind of crap makes members of the public want to see Biden's Justice Department pursue the s.o.b.'s crimes rather than just moving on. This is beyond stupid. It is Trump-stupid. Barr admits there's no evidence. Paxton is beyond partisan. Moron partisan. What is it in the water in Texas that's produced W., Cruz, and Paxton?. Some contaminant that produces stupidity flashers. Emmer's been imbibing it too.

______FURTHER UPDATE_______


______FURTHER UPDATE________

RawStory, here and here. This Paxton idiocy might be collective smokescreening for the kinds of things RawStory postings describe. The man is a deplorable. Add Rudy and Paxton and rub-a-dub-dub, three clowns in a tub. 

Having no decency, Trump has no respect for it. Biden's people should run him aground over his crimes, showing no mercy because of his being such a flaming asshole on the way out the door. 

Next thing he may try is pardoning himself in advance for crimes he may have committed and for which he could be indicted and prosecuted, while naming none but being critical of the character of those who after the Biden transition might want to charge and prosecute him, calling them vindictive and unAmerican.

______FINAL UPDATE_______


Any update beyond that goes into new posting.

Strib carrying an AP feed:

The high court's order was a stark repudiation of a legal claim that was widely regarded as dubious, yet embraced by the president, 19 Republican state attorneys general and 126 House Republicans.

Trump had insisted the court would find the "wisdom" and "courage" to adopt his baseless position that the election was the product of widespread fraud and should be overturned. But the nation's highest court emphatically disagreed.

Friday's order marked the second time this week that the court had rebuffed Republican requests that it get involved in the 2020 election outcome and reject the voters' choice, as expressed in an election regarded by both Republican and Democratic officials as free and fair. The justices turned away an appeal from Pennsylvania Republicans on Tuesday.

On Monday, the Electoral College meets to formally elect Biden as the next president.

[...]  In a brief order, the court said Texas does not have the legal right to sue those states because it "has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections."

[...] Gov. Steve Bullock, D-Mont., urged the court to reject the case. He said the fact that Texas is not suing Montana, which Trump won, even though the state similarly used mail-in ballots underscores that "this action is less about election integrity than it is about attempting to overturn the will of the electorate."

As Bullock pointed out, the whole circus stunt was political, not in good faith.

The Court said other state election law is none of Texas' business; and then Bullock added that the whole thing stunk of hypocrisy because Montana law was no different, but Trump carried Montana. It was not about how to conduct an election properly, but clearly a dumb thing with a sad and silly prayer that somehow the Court would be idiots and charlatans, which they declined to do. This time. This issue.

Of the 126 House Republicans in the first quoted paragraph, three Minnesota donkeys to go with Emmer, where Tom might be best of the bunch [the least softest and liquified of a four banana bunch left around the house three weeks]. Pardon the mixed metaphors. Trump led these three to make mockeries of themselves. He probably enjoys seeing all the shameless whoring he was able to instigate.


When faced with absolute idiocy it becomes the Supine Court. A suffering of fools defense. But the bright side of the situation for Trump is the money is still rolling in. Unlike the Supine Court he gladdens at fools, and looks for cashflow. There is an old saying about "soon parted" and Trump does all he can to shorten the "soon" of it.

NOTHING IS FINAL: Every one of those state AG's and House members who got on board [the Trump appearance with no articulation needed, if your hands are in your pockets when I have my hand out I shall remember], while feeling either strong loyalty or strong coercive karma, should, if the Supine Court had the power, be made to be a seasonal Salvation Army store front bell ringer -&- kettle attendant; since each showed to be very capable at money raising, and each, after joining the Circus, should do that as penance. The worse of them in the new year as further due penance should be made to sell Girl Scout cookies door-to-door. 

That's a more positive view than giving each the flogging he/she deserves. Old white men with law degrees should know better. Trump being Trump to the last gasp, with Melania in the parlor eating bread and honey.

MORE: Great RawStory headline and story:

Democrat wants to use Civil War law about traitors to ban 126 Republicans from being seated in Congress