
Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Crabgrass stands in agreement with Eric Black's sub-headline, "I haven’t allowed myself to seriously believe that Georgia Democrats could actually win both the seats up for election on Jan. 5. "

Worth the reading, Black's MinnPost analysis is online, here

Moreover, I do not think that beyond Senate Committee Chair possibilities, it makes a bit of difference how Georgia turns out. Biden will not propose progressive legislation. Senate Dems will not in lockstep embrace and vote en masse for any progressive measures, since Schumer et al., are nowhere near to being progressive about anything. The appearance is the MSM are jockeying us to believe something untrue, that these are pivotal considerations.

Yes, chair positions matter somewhat as to which party holds the chairs, surely so to each party's senior ranks if not to real people, but the Senate is a club with a sixty vote filibuster thing - no real filibuster needed since real ones are an embarrassment, and require stamina, while virtual filibustering exists, i.e., absent sixty votes to shut such virtual filibuster by threat of one down, in most instances a 41 vote opposition bloc can kill any measure the 41 don't like. It's a big club, and no member wants to make another stand up and do a real old-fashioned actual filibuster. Requiring that would be unseemly. Days of the Dixiecrats having to do it real are yesterday's story.


Apart from all that, Salon spins Georgia on their minds.