
Wednesday, December 09, 2020

"Mayors for a Guaranteed Income is a network of mayors advocating for a guaranteed income to ensure that all Americans have an income floor."

The headline is from

 Mayors for a Guaranteed Income( 

where detail is given.

Strib posted a recent report about Mayor Carter's endorsing the effort in St. Paul,  and a current report of Twitter's founder presently putting a gift of fifteen million dollars more into the effort.

MinnPost's Dec. 8, 2020, Glean summarized:

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is donating $15 million to programs across the country, the Mayors for a Guaranteed Income group announced Tuesday. The more than two dozen mayors participating in the group, including St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter, will each receive a minimum of $500,000 to grow or sustain their programs. This builds on Dorsey’s initial $3 million donation last summer.

[bolding in original]