
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

What is fascism? What do you expect from Joe Biden?

 Are the headline questions unrelated? From Harris?

AOC in 2024. Not Harris.

See what the 2022 mid-term elections bring. Under a Biden-Harris White House.

Parallel reporting on AOC opinion, post-election, here and here. Final three paragraphs of that first link:

The coming period of presidential transition and the Biden administration’s early days will be crucial to determining whether the Democratic party will incorporate in a permanent way its grassroots progressive engine – or veer off down a path toward defeat, Ocasio-Cortez said.

“So I need my colleagues to understand that we are not the enemy,” she said. “And that their base is not the enemy. That the Movement for Black Lives is not the enemy, that Medicare for all is not the enemy. This isn’t even just about winning an argument. It’s that if they keep going after the wrong thing, I mean, they’re just setting up their own obsolescence.”

Appearing on CNN later in the day, Ocasio-Cortez said: “Progressives have assets to offer the party that the party has not yet fully leaned into... Every single swing seat member that co-sponsored Medicare for All won their re-election, and so the conversation is a little bit deeper than saying anything progressive is toxic.”

Harris will be touted greatly by the Biden machine, while AOC is dynamic on her own. Try this compare Cheri Bustos to AOC. With help from that first linked NYT report, mid-item:

There’s a lot of magical thinking in Washington, that this is just about special people that kind of come down from on high. Year after year, we decline the idea that they did work and ran sophisticated operations in favor of the idea that they are magical, special people. I need people to take these goggles off and realize how we can do things better.

If you are the D.C.C.C., and you’re hemorrhaging incumbent candidates to progressive insurgents, you would think that you may want to use some of those firms. But instead, we banned them. So the D.C.C.C. banned every single firm that is the best in the country at digital organizing.

And the argument against AOC's point is???? 

Nancy likes Cheri does not cut it. Yes, Nancy and Cheri are on the same page. That page does not cut it. More from earlier in the NYT item:

Because before we even had any data yet in a lot of these races, there was already finger-pointing that this was progressives’ fault and that this was the fault of the Movement for Black Lives.

I’ve already started looking into the actual functioning of these campaigns. And the thing is, I’ve been unseating Democrats for two years. I have been defeating Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee-run campaigns for two years. That’s how I got to Congress. That’s how we elected Ayanna Pressley. That’s how Jamaal Bowman won. That’s how Cori Bush won. And so we know about extreme vulnerabilities in how Democrats run campaigns.

And wise exploitation of the vulnerabilities of GOP-lite folks led to better people filling House seats. It is not to be vilified. It is to be continued. Throw Bustos under the bus over the GOP-lite losses, or not. But don't blame the people in tune with the people, with US, for out-of-tune losses. 

Alone - Money don't buy you wins. Nor love.

How many Biden voters love and identify with Joe the not-Trump option?

Aside from not being Trump, he has nothing to like.


Harris made the ticket second spot largely via Biden following "advice" from Clyburn to put a black woman in the second spot. Without that, and on her own as a presidential candidate she never put together a campaign to reach consistent double digit polling, nor did she even make it to to the primaries before calling it quits. (See reporting from about a year ago, here and here.) 

This is a concern in terms of Biden being 82 in 2024, Harris then being eager and positioned. Can she do it? Is she particularly capable, or likeable in terms of what she'd bring to the top job? Ambitious, yes, but beyond that, is she anywhere near to being in the AOC league? On policy clearly not. On dynamism, you decide. 

You shall have something under four years to observe and ponder. 

As a side question, will Trump run again in 2024, or will he have other concerns then on his plate? If running, would he be the winner then, of primaries?

If Harris is one candidate, who'd be the opponent? AOC would face that same question. Decisions about 2024 can wait. Being premature on the issue may gain little to nothing, now.