
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Ed Markey would make a dynamite DSCC policy setter, candidate vetter.


Senate Dems - spending and getting one token change - either it is the candidates Schumer picks, Biden as little but lesser evil with no coat tailing, or the Schumer-Biden donor-friendly agenda lacking appeal among actual people while ringing the bell among Citizens United "people." Bankers' candidates, incumbents, Bloomberg sniping at Bernie, Bernie arguing an agenda while running; whatever, there was failure. If you don't blame Schumer it appears you have to blame AOC.

The opening screen capture  image is from Sirota's Daily Poster website. It states in part:

Many of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s candidates lost big, and trailed the national Democratic presidential ticket. 

Incumbent Sen. Doug Jones of Alabama and challengers like Jaime Harrison in South Carolina, Amy McGrath in Kentucky, and MJ Hegar in Texas combined to raise $250 million this cycle — and they all appear to have lost by double digits. 

Well-funded challengers like Sara Gideon in Maine and outgoing Democratic Gov. Steve Bullock in Montana took in nearly $110 million and lost, too. 

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, the national party committee that elects Democratic Senate candidates, and the Senate Majority PAC, the DSCC’s allied super PAC, together raised more than $450 million this cycle.

The fundraising numbers aren’t final yet —

And Georgia still hangs in the balance with both of its Senate seats in play in a runoff scenario, to be held in January; results awaited. How could Schumer and friends spend so much to get so little and call it anything other than a failure while they held the drivers seat? Their failure. They picked the cause, they earned the effect.

Money can't buy you love? Or, Collins holding on in Maine suggests a Dem top ballot without coat tailing zap and panache. A locomotive pulling no train.

Or just run the entire thing better, more in line with what the people expect, and take the majority, which you'd then be expected to lead the way the people want.

UPDATE: Does Schumer make you miss Harry Reid? If Markey had that job you'd miss neither Schumer nor Reid. Or would you?