
Sunday, November 08, 2020

Sirota is among those recognizing the false blame shined on progressives for Biden's lack of coat tails down ballot.

 When you run as not-Trump and little positive beyond that, it's your fault down ballot was not a blue wave. Don't blame the ground game door-to-door folks who saved your bacon. How Sirota wrote of it from his new Daily Poster site:

They Are Trying To Silence AOC, Because Money Never Sleeps

We’re all exhausted, but in the 24 hours since the election was called, corporate interests and their allies have already started their war on progressives. There is no rest for the weary.


Since the election was called for Joe Biden, there has been a multitiered effort to blame disappointing election results on progressives, even as exit polls and voting results show that progressive organizing that rescued Democrats from the jaws of a presidential defeat. While the country was celebrating the defeat of Trump, here’s what the voices of Big Money have been doing since the election:

  • Democratic leaders are insisting that the party must abandon modestly progressive health care positions in order to boost the party’s chances in Georgia, even though polling says exactly the opposite.

  • Republican John Kasich — who was given a DNC speaking slot by Team Biden and who nonetheless failed to help Democrats win his home state of Ohio — went on CNN to bash progressives, insisting that Biden’s top priority should be appeasing Trump voters. 

  • Ian Bremmer — a Morning Joe character who is a reliable barometer of elite thought — echoed Kasich, suggesting that the first thing Democrats should do is reach out and appease Trump supporters.

  • Joe Scarborough himself asserted that the election proves Democrats must run away from the left, even though their entire strategy was running away from the left, and that strategy resulted in disappointing down-ballot losses. 

  • Politico published a list of alleged frontrunners for Biden cabinet slots, filled mostly with corporate-friendly Democrats and Republicans.

  • As GOP operatives at the Lincoln Project explore turning their operation into a media empire, they are turning their attacks on U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, one of the party’s few stars with a large national following. 

  • Democratic leaders and the House Blue Dog Caucus — the corporate wing of the party — have spent the week attacking progressives, blaming them for a handful of moderate freshman lawmakers’ losses -- even as data show that Democrats in swing districts lost vote share as they moved further and further to the right.


And it is bullshit and it is setting off the effort to blame everyone but themselves, the New Dem - Blue Dog corporatist wing of the Democratic Party inner operatives, if both Georgia Senate candidates in the runoff balloting there fail to win. 

If both Georgia Dem candidates win, the Senate splits 50-50 with VP Harris holding the tie-breaking vote, so winning both contests is important. But nothing is important enough to lie about where the weaknesses in the Democratic Party exist, given that Biden - silent disappeared Joe - came so close to losing after four graceless years of Donald J. Trump, his family, his appointee failures, Rudy, Bannon, and other low life swamp creatures the dude promised he'd clean up, then appointing them in a parade of short term appointments and firings/resignations. 

Bernie, if the candidate, would have won big, with big coat tails, had DCCC and DSCC not picked such unappealing GOP-lite losers as they lost with. Run losers, go for money tree shaking over ground game campaigning, and them look to scapegoat the foot soldiers is simply money amok going to heads already too full of themselves [e.g., Schumer, Pelosi Clyburn]. 

Dumping on progressives is easy, and false, and should stop because progressives is all that sorry party has between it and 2012 mid-term losses and 2024 loss of the White House. Get progressive or get out of the way - a nice slogan for a party to use in order to grow a backbone against outside donor pressure and inside capitulation pressure. 

Phrased differently: How the hell did Biden fail to tromp Trump clearly, decisively, and with coat tail power up, down and sideways, this election, after four years of Trump lies, pandemic MIA, and ruin of the economy in a way threatening to the security and well-being of all citizens of the nation?

Answer that before dumping a load on progressives, who bit the bullet, went lesser evil after the screwing the inner party types gave Bernie, and then did the hard foul-weather GOTV foot soldiering which saved the cause from losing via a vigorous Trump GOTV-fueled four-more-years win.

%#T%&Y$ ingrates! They deserve each other, but we deserve better than Schumer. Better than Bustos. Running DSCC and DCCC respectively into wimpering finger-pointing ruin.


And, Nancy Pelosi, about that conference call dump on progressives; you know - progressives do not want your excuses and finger pointing - we want your job.

Sooner. Later. We get it, or the party stays with minority leader generals year in, year out, if the foot soldiers, the enlisted ones and volunteers, finally have enough and tell you, "Knock on your own doors," because all progressive lesser evil cave-in GOTV work this cycle work got not praise but instead bullshit conference calling, and scorn, and everyone knows, Nancy, that was both a power trip for its own sake but also because donor money is what counts in Nancy's world more than people. 

Not winning the Senate and losing numbers in the House after four years of Trump is failure. Winning is what could be had via a progressive agenda - enforced beyond the words, and losing with that fact clear, was NOT okay. 

It seems keeping the power leadership position, be it majority or minority, with it's ego-boosting, rings Nancy's bell. Gotta get better, truly inclusive rather than disdainful, or move aside. Right now Nancy, you are in the way.