
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Sirota has published in Guardian a warning, "Can Joe Biden avoid Obama's mistakes? He must – for the future of the party." But does Biden want to do better than Obama, or just coast, nothing fundamentally changed? It is a warning that Biden should consider, in order to avoid costly losses in the 2022 mid-terms.

 Link. In part:

[...] While Obama’s Affordable Care Act created some long-overdue consumer protections, it ultimately strengthened the power of private insurers. Despite Obama campaigning for a public insurance option, his administration dropped it, Democratic senators helped Republicans initially vote it down and then refused to ever bring it back up to force the issue, even though there was a good chance it would pass. [...]

Similarly, Obama backed off his promise to pass new union protections for workers, and he reversed his promise to reform bad trade deals, instead pressing even more of those pacts that have become a symbol of a corrupt Washington more interested in enriching CEOs than helping workers.

Obama’s administration also refused to prosecute bankers and its Wall Street reform package was pathetically weak. 

It will be the identical things to expect from Joe Biden, the not-Trump, but little else. 

Plus austerity; debt reduction propaganda reigning strong. It will be bad.