
Friday, November 13, 2020

From the Hollywood Life website:

Link. In part:

 “He represents large domestic and international corporations and some of today’s highest profile individuals and influencers in complex business, real estate and intellectual property litigation disputes,” Douglas’s bio reads on the law firm’s website.

Kamala Harris, Douglas Emhoff
AP Images

[...] One of his clients included TBWA, the ad agency which developed the Taco Bell Chihuahua. This led Wrench, a company based in Michigan, to sue Taco Bell over breach of contract because it claimed to have created the “Psycho Chihuahua,” according to Douglas’s profile in The Hollywood Reporter. Douglas kept TBWA from taking on the financial burden of this lawsuit bill.

 An LA entertainment and advertising industry operative.

Instead of quality, that. 

Just reading of the couple: 2022 will be a GOP frenzy after Joe and K have two years. Hollywood and Clyburn and Pelosi. They gave us this. And because a crazy lying psycho held the White House we had to swallow that "medicine." 

Inner party Democrats are awful.

Is anyone less competent than Cheri Bustos? Who? Name one.

Trump at least was voted out. 

Beyond that, there is no good news.


Beyond the Taco Bell Chihuahua the man's been raking it in. MSN:

Emhoff and Harris's federal tax return show they earned more than $2 million in 2018.

During Harris's 2020 presidential campaign, she released 15 years worth of tax returns in April 2019, revealing that the couple jointly reported more than $2 million in income the previous year and paid nearly $700,000 in taxes.

A PREDICTION: The hand that fed them will not get bitten by either of the spouses. 

There are a host of puff pieces online similar to one another about Emhoff, nothing substantial, and for negative thoughts beyond the puffery, there is Breitbart:

  Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and her husband, attorney Douglas Emhoff, gave 1.1% of their income to charity in 2019, tax records show.

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) failed as California’s attorney general to investigate faulty advertising claims against one of the nation’s leading nutritional supplement companies, which also happened to be a client of her husband’s law firm.

That is not much mud to see slung, Breitbart being what it is. 

As to the hand that fed them, again, Breitbart. (Kayne West must have used a different lawyer - law firm.)


From JTA:

She’s more AIPAC than J Street

Since being elected in 2016, Harris has spoken twice at the annual policy conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Her 2018 speech, with the California delegation, was off the record (itself not unusual, although critics of Israel were unnerved), but she gave a good picture of where she stands in her 2017 speech.

She’s for two states — so is AIPAC, although, sometimes less than emphatically — but she doesn’t believe in big-footing either side.

“I believe that a resolution to this conflict cannot be imposed,” she said. “It must be agreed upon by the parties themselves.”

[...] Harris also co-sponsored a Senate resolution in early 2017 that essentially rebuked the Obama administration for allowing through a U.S. Security Council resolution condemning Israel’s settlement policies.

She supported the Iran nuclear deal, although she was not a senator in 2015 when Congress voted on it, and is on the record opposing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement targeting Israel.

Harris also digs Israel’s Supreme Court building. [...] “The Court, like Israel, is a beautiful home to democracy and justice in a region where radicalism and authoritarianism all too often shape government.”

Clearly not of the same mind as Ilhan Omar, and instead pro-Israel; AIPAC flavor. 

It would take research to see how widespread support was for the Resolution against Obama's declining to use the Security Council veto to yet again save Israel from widely held international criticism being official UN policy in that single instance of the U.S. declining to so use the veto. 

Likely Harris was not alone as a sponsor. Instead the resolution likely had many co-sponsors. Look it up if you care.


1.1% of income to charity is pretty chintzy. For millionaires. 

A Hollywood 1.1 percent, and we are supposed to bow to their morphing power ranger and Schwarzenegger/Rambo propaganda mill?

And then there is the east coast Big Apple GOP style of charity.