
Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Link. Fitting together with Blacklisting by Bustos. With Pelosi/Clyburn intimidation tactics via conference calls against progress and progressives. A double-barreled purge in play? Money uber alles the common thread? Stalin was less subtle in his purges. Iron fist, velvet glove?

UPDATE: Tea Party being shown an exit, along with other zealots, by the Rockefeller Republicans, in alliance with the GOP-wing of the Democratic Party doing its dirt.

It seems Ms. Clinton's "basket of deplorables" is a sentiment held by the Kasich GOP bloc; while the term is not uttered by them, nor by the Pelosi-Schumer-Clyburn donor axis about Progressives. It seems Progressives and Tea Party dissatisfied purge targets should at least talk to one another about what's being done with big donor blessing to make big donors supreme - the "conservatives" of each party being the big donor ass kissers, as told. Do not expect reform from Biden. Expect disdain and Bush-Obama stuff - old fashioned fascism to rule for four years. It will be the Harris candidacy that must be primaried, so planning that should start now. Funds for that should be solicited and paid into the cause.

AOC is the better choice against Harris, if AOC will choose to be in that contest.

AOC is NOT married to a media-entertainment lawyer, not a millionaire by marriage and surely not by inheritance, like Trump. On the other hand, Harris never tended bar to leaven her worldview. Never had to. She's had it easy. Can't sing the blues.

It is most unfortunate that sometimes you need to access RT for the news U.S. mainstream media collectively, for reasons we can only guess at (Harris being married to one of the entertainment-media-axis lawyer-lobbyists being perhaps a reason Haim Saban might feel comfortable with her, plus the sister having been tight with the Clinton 2016 effort). The people funding Clyburn are comfortable with Harris, or else a different woman of color would have been put onto the Biden ticket. Pelosi relies on Clyburn's allegiance. Go figure what a Harris presidency would be, and how it would mirror closely the worse of the Obama years, when the insurer-friendly Heritage Foundation's Romneycare plan was foisted off on US being but one example. Yes, it had a few ornaments, but it was industry written. Franken was the force behind the 80% treatment spending, 20% admin load requirement, and got purged. Go figure that. 

A Harris presidency? Just Say NO.