
Saturday, September 12, 2020

Let's talk Libya, guys.

Zerohedge, a partial but contiguous excerpt. 

There are truths that must be made plain lest they be buried like so many bodies in the desert sand.

The War on Libya: A Criminal Conspiracy

To understand the depth of criminality involved in the US-NATO war on Libya, we must unravel a complex story involving actors from both the US and Europe who quite literally conspired to bring about this war, while simultaneously exposing the unconstitutional, imperial presidency as embodied by Mr. Hope and Change himself.

In doing so, a picture emerges that is strikingly at odds with the dominant narrative about good intentions and bad dictators. For although Gaddafi was presented as the villain par excellence in this story told by the Empire’s scribes in corporate media, it is in fact Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, former French President Nicholas Sarkozy, French philosopher-cum-neocolonial adventurist Bernard Henri-Levy, and former UK Prime Minister David Cameron, who are the real malevolent forces. It was they, not Gaddafi, who waged a blatantly illegal war on false pretenses and for their own aggrandizement. It was they, not Gaddafi, who conspired to plunge Libya into chaos and civil war from which it is yet to emerge. It was they who beat the war drums while proclaiming peace on earth and good will to men.

The US-NATO war on Libya represents perhaps one of the most egregious examples of US military aggression and lawlessness in recent memory. Of course, the US didn’t act alone as a wide cast of characters played a role as the French and British were keen to involve themselves in the reassertion of control over a once lucrative African asset torn from European control by the evil Gaddafi. And this, only a few years after former UK Prime Minister and Iraq war criminal Tony Blair met with Gaddafi to usher in a new era of openness and partnership.

The story begins with Bernard Henri-Lévy, the French philosopher, journalist, and amateur foreign service officer who fancied himself an international spy. Having failed to arrive in Egypt in time to buttress his ego by capitalizing on the uprising against former dictator Hosni Mubarak, he quickly shifted his attention to Libya, where an uprising in the anti-Gaddafi hotbed of Benghazi was underway. As Le Figaro chronicled, Henri-Levy managed to talk his way into a meeting with then head of the National Transition Council (TNC) Mustapha Abdeljalil, a former Gaddafi official who became head of the anti-Gaddafi TNC. But Henri-Levy wasn’t there just for an interview to be published in his French paper, he was there to help overthrow Gaddafi and, in so doing, make himself into an international star.

[links and formatting from original] Biden's war credentials date back at least to gung ho championship of the Iraq War, which we as a people were lied into by the Bushco White House and friends.

Libya had a leader wanting to price oil in gold instead of dollars. Dead man, now.

Biden replacing Senor Bone Spurs might prove more a war monger than the man exiting. It is a worry. He should now be pressed to commit to a policy on military aims that way, good, bad or ugly. Wait and see seems the media darling of the day for Bidenville. But that's abdication, not journalism.

Ms. Harris? What the donors want the donors get? Or is that too harsh?


Read the complete origina ZH post. Gowdy, bless his soul, only rattled the email and Behghazi cage, stuff from well after Libya's leader was deposed and disposed. 

Not a profile in courage, but Gowdy is as Gowdy does.


In fairness, Biden was part of the Obama administration's declining to fight a war Israel wanted, but did not itself fight. Instead, diplomacy was used. A treaty with Iran resulted.

Trump tore it up. Trump drone-killed an Iranian general.

Relative war-mongering scores, as best we can guess, have Trump ahead as the hotter head. Trade war with China. Continued war in Afghanistan. Withdrawal except for oil field occupation, Syria - that is the Trump record.

Biden comes out better. And then Harris against Pence on the heartbeat-away measure. No contest. Pence is a clear and present danger. Making Trump Lives Matter. A difficult task, but the former talk radio guy, he is impeachment insurance. 

In total, Trump-Pence and its performance in office, vs. Biden-Harris and a "can't be worse" truth, are immediate facts making much else irrelevant. Yes Trump has red baseball caps and Biden has that dental sculpted smile and hair transplants. Despite that physical appearance dimension - NOBODY can be as phony as Trump. Whatever way Biden was raised he has no Fred Trump monster in his closet. Harris has potential, but a sad record.

Welcome to Oz. Dorothy and Toto have the votes. By mail. Trump's got the flying monkeys, Biden the Munchkins. Donors are behind the curtain. Nov 3 cannot come soon enough.