
Thursday, September 10, 2020

Woodward's silence cost much sufferning and many lost lives by letting the Trump lies about the pandemic go unchallenged when he had the perp's clear, contradictory words on tape. Book revenues have their price.

 Just saying. Seriousness about the truth of the risk early in events was deliberately made MIA. The damned book is blood-tainted. Its cover should show the Reaper's grin. 

Buy healthy food, comfortable shoes, and warm winter clothing instead. And don't skimp on your mask. This guy, waiting to show up masked until mid-July did not skimp:

Trump wears mask in public for first time during visit to Walter Reed

It was a noteworthy evolution for the president, who has balked at wearing protective face coverings as a deadly pandemic surged across portions of the U.S.

President Trump


july 11! Downplayed previously.

Woodward just sat on his tape.



 Sirota, in the link give earlier, wrote:

 It is important to remember two things: 1) the first set of comments came in FEBRUARY, well before there was widespread public awareness of the lethality of the virus and 2) as much of a buffoon as he is, Trump is not some rando just speculating. He is quite literally the president, with access to the world’s top scientists. So he was divulging crucial, newsworthy and time-sensitive information. Clearly, he knew more about the lethality and transmission of the virus than he was publicly letting on, and yet he was still downplaying the severity of the disease and insinuating that it is like the common flu.

That’s a horrific crime against humanity -- but it was aided and abetted by the popular face of investigative journalism: Mr. All The President’s Men himself.

Crimes like this often happen in secret. They take years to suss out -- and in many instances, their details never see the light of day. Journalists’ job is, in part, to try to prevent disasters from happening and to protect the public interest -- indeed, the motto of the Washington Post is literally a warning that “democracy dies in darkness.”

 Is Sirota being too tough on the early autumn book author and publisher?

You decide. The belief at Crabgrass is some things have to be said in as stark a set of terms as merited. Nobody else had the access and tape recording. Was there a quid pro quo at play, for delay? Would a quid pro quo be admitted?