
Saturday, September 12, 2020

Another easy post. Pandemic-wise. Down With Tyranny captures the mood of things, and there is no Crabgrass purpose in wanting to reinvent the wheel.

DWT link, this starting image and excerpt:


by Noah

We now know what the president knew and when he knew it. He knew that COVID-19 was a mortal threat to untold numbers of Americans and elected to do nothing about it. We know, in fact, that he knew at least as early as the first week in February of this year. That was when he admitted, on tape no less, to writer Bob Woodward, that he knew what was coming. Then, he lied to our faces repeatedly, just as any true psychopathic killer would. This is who he is. I've been saying it for months. It didn't take any stroke of genius on my part, just a bit of perception. He is what he is. Once you know what he is, his actions or lack thereof can only be interpreted in one way. Still, a lot of people who are smart enough to know better chalked up what Trump said to stupidity. Not me. Even a stupid person, when faced with the ever-growing crisis of a pandemic, doesn't do the wrong thing or make the wrong decision every single damn time. A person that does that is doing it deliberately. A person who puts the premature deaths of tens of thousands of people and then hundreds of thousands in motion is a mass murderer, a serial killer, a psychopath. For Christ's sake, stop trying to pass this asshole off as just a narcissist.

Well, it was not me trying to say "just a narcissist." For months the top sidebar image has been as it is, with good reason for it being exactly that. 

More train wreck than mere narcissism. Fred Trump's sick shaping hand being a dimension too.  

Tune time, Middle Class Joe does a Woodie Guthrie cover; taking a liberty or two on lyrics which Woodie would approve, times evolve and lyrics with them:

The DWT link is, again, here, and the post continues from the quoted point. Also, for other DWT commentary and reporting: