
Sunday, September 13, 2020

Which one looks to have real teeth and which looks like a replicant from Blade Runner?

From ZeroHedge:

President Trump has accused Joe Biden of being a puppet of the "radical left," and it would appear the left-est of leftists - Bernie Sanders - has confirmed this opinion with his latest, somewhat surprising (but perhaps CYA-based) comments.

As Biden is forced to emerge from his subterranean safe-space, addressing some awkward positioning of the Democrats amid mass violence in America, and shifting towards the center, Sanders, according to a Washington Post report on Sunday, “told associates that Biden is at serious risk of coming up short in the November election if he continues his vaguer, more centrist approach.”

What all that means is anyone's guess. What it will mean may be clearer after Nov 3. From appearances of the image it looks as if Bernie is taking Biden out behind the wood shed.

You want news? Bloomberg appears to still believe Trump must go.